Before sharing my story, know that I am forever grateful for having your support!


I graduated university in 2019 majored in Marketing. I had a full-time 9-5 job in a Vietnamese start-up.

I lived a life that most of Asian parents want for their kids including my parents. And that life lasted 4 months only. It wasn’t for me so I quit and since then I haven’t got any chance to go to any office. Because I started my freelanced life next!

Jumped in 2020, I looked for a freelanced job, something related to food. I truly LOVE cooking and LOVE watching Food Content on social media. But I did not know much about food photography neither video productions. And finally yes, I started a job as a food content creator for an Italian start-up. I really appreciated this time of my life, it taught me so many lessons.

I had no savings after this job, everything was just enough for me to survive.

On April of 2021, I started to work for an American influencer. I made lots of videos for her and at the same time I started saving up for the next quit. I had about $5000 in my pocket this time and I decided to quit everything to focus on only my project.

I was worried so much I thought what if it’s not gonna work. But I had a strong mind, thankfully!

I am finally doing this.

My first recipe video was published on 3rd October 2022.

My first 2 months were very very hard, each post just got 200 or 300 views. I was disappointed and cried so many times. It’s stressful when you put a lot of work and efforts into something and you got nothing from it. A huge thank to myself that I did not give up easily.

And I reached 100K followers on Instagram after 2 months 19 days. I still can not believe it!

I worked hard and lucky I think 🤔

Thank you for your support, I appreciate each and everyone of you!

Love, Linh

P/s: I am sorry if my english confused you, it’s not my mother language! Thank you!