Easy Breakfast Tortilla Wrap

Servings: 1

This is a simple breakfast I was making in my old kitchen. I am really missing it right now, that is where my Another Food Lover project started!

Easy Breakfast Tortilla Wrap

Servings: 1

You will need


  1. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add chili oil. ( The pan should have the same size as tortilla )

  2. Crack 3 eggs in, make sure the eggs cover the pan. Leave it for a minute then sprinkle salt and pepper. 

  3. Place a tortilla over and let it stick to the eggs ( about 1 minute or less, it depends on how cooked the eggs do you want ). Use a big plate cover the pan and flip over. (Now the egg tortilla is on the plate) 

  4. Arrange avocado slices and cherry tomatoes then roll to the end. You can put it back in the pan to seal the roll or serve it immediately! 

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Linh Nguyen

A Food Blogger

I will be really happy if you try and love my recipes. If you have any questions or feedbacks on my recipe, please let me know! 

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